I could not have been happier.
I have so many people to thank.
Renny, you did it.
My bestest, onliest, favorite BFFBUSINESS partner, Olivia.
Jesse for hanging with me until 3:30 am and everything.
Asher, Doug, Jose, Clay, Liz D, Allison Joe, Suzanne Phan, Liv Moe,
Nick Miller, Laura Carter Tim Foster, Jon, Richard, Nate, Aaron, Paul and Paul,
Steven, Jairus, Melissa, Melinda, SUBMERGE, Daniel W. and Daniel T., Liz L, Michelle, Judd,
Savannah, Kandis, Chris, Hummel, Debbie, Phil, Matt and Melody, Jen W, Adam, Addam, Jessica, Jocelyn, Jared, Michael. Thank you guys for being a part of this huge ball. It will keep rolling.
What a fun group project!
Half the shirts sold off the rack last night, and a few from
the wall too! You can buy the ones on the wall!
I cafeully pinned their price tags inside each one,
they range from $15-$100,
are all ONE OF A KIND.
made by my favorite local word, sound, and visual artists.
I still have the screens and can make you your very own Prescription piece !
Bring me the shirt you want to make it on,
Or set up at date with me at my VERGE studio
and we can print it together!
or ORDER your own on FIBERS.COM

and liz.
sun and moon.
she has helped me so much
i can not even begin to express
my appreciation for this creature.

miss jules. my sea of bees.
she's finally home.
and ganna play some tunes
for us all at BOWS! yeah!
(we have four live music shows to announce !
stay tuned)

(has a show here next month!
and a work in this show)

Jose is telling Jesse about
nipples i think.
(they both have work in this show)
HE has a Show here in OCTOBER!

most lovable bows bartender, artist (he has work in this show),
builder, speaker of Japanese, collector,
jackassofall trades
mister matt hummel.

(has work in this show)
first dude i met many years back that
got me thinking we can
do this. he's always been
THE BIGGEST supporter
of local music and arts.
check him out.