This is a photo of a photocopy of a part of the photo collage I made for Jon for
his birthday last year. This particular piece lives with me in
my Studio at the VERGE because I love it.
Luckily, The Prescription art show project has been
keeping me busy at the studio. I have been getting back
into silk screening with these 20+ artists who are
collaborating for the Show Friday Aug 5th at Bows and Arrows.
I have missed it. I love printing!
This is a shirt I am working on for the show.
Jon drew the image.
Paul burnt the screen.
I printed it on the shirt.
And then last night started coloring and sewing and
chopping in up into something to wear.
This is the hand writing of Sarah Barkawi.
I printed and dyed this one last night.
This is a watercolor and pen and ink piece
I am working on at Verge for my upcoming
show of new work in Portland Sept 7
with Richard St.Ofle and
EMILY KATZThe Best part of July so far was
my sister KIM and her baby, MADISON.
MOM and Dad came to visit and
I could NOT believe what fit in
their luggage.
Mom bought the Sacramento Bee on Sunday
and Olivia and I were featured.
kinda cool.
Got this shirt yesterday thrifting.
It will be Jon's uniform.
We are going to HAWAII for a week!!!
I can not wait.
Got new GATHER jems in at BOWS and ARROWS this week!
Hand made goodies by grass valley
artist Leora! hot shit.
This is a Daniel White's Prescription shirt
One of my covered Verge Studio walls.
A drawing I did a while ago
of a type of dog I don't even like.
I mean, I love most dogs,
but haven't yet met a scottie I think is worth remembering.
I guess I just thought he had cool hair.
JUDD HERTZLER's prescription show shirt!
This is Kim and Madison when I thought
I was just picking up mom and dad.
Some of the million paintings at my studio.
I will have one of these in the upcoming
VCA Exhibition in early September.
This is a collabo shirt: I used it to practice printing
Paul Ramos and Matt Hummel's art on. I fucked up. Colored it
with Permanent Prisma color markers that dont wash out,
Handed it to Laura Carter ....she did crazy fun dye and slasher jobs on them!!:
Melinda Arendt art, Trisha Print, Laura dye...
My original doodle while I was brainstorming for
the group project...ripped it out of my sketchbook,
planned an art show, Paul burned a screen,
I printed it, dyed it...and who know what might happen
to it before you see it at the Bows show.
Dad bought some Kiwi's he didn't get around to eating.
Got to Love left overs.
Show coming to Bows in SEPT.
JOSE di Gregorio up in my house!
Business Meetings with Olivia and Richard.
We are getting some planning done.
We are hard lil worker bees.
oh and this : Heroes and Villians art by Addam Reagan,
the back that you can't see has art by Steven Sessler.
Printed by
Dyed and shredded by Laura Carter.
COME and SEE ALL THE rad shirts we made on
A FILM by Shane Skogberg
about P R E G N A N T
-love TJR