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Monday, February 28, 2011

Road Trip: Orr Babes in the wild

Like Angels ascending on me,
my lovelies
Dani and Siobhan, scooped me up and drove me to Orr, in Mendocino County.
It is a bastion of clean crisp air and hot springs in outdoor pools where you can delicately float and flip through chapters in a book under the clear sun and full moon. For three days I was cosseted and replenished more than I ever thought possible. Thank you. Thank you.

We wouldn't fit in a yurt so we got this giant room with five beds. Hmmm.

One of the best things about Orr, is that it is about one mile from Montgomery Woods, one of the oldest redwood groves in the world. You hike up up up and then skip down into a valley where it feels like nymphs and fairies must be hiding around every turn.


The felled trees' root systems are cavernous and gigantic. Can you see Vonnie nestled there?

When was the last time you skipped down a log?

Ferns Ferns everywhere!!

The Russian River dives through this grove, splitting a million times and covering the forest floor with moisture.

That's a hillbilly scamper, if you couldn't tell.

These trails. There's something about them. I just HAD to run. Run and run and run through them. . . . and then hide and scare the shit out of Dani.

My beautiful Danay-nay

The one bail. I think Rorie bailed at this same spot last year.


This cat was just slamming down into a roll over. So cute.


Dani and Vonnie made me the most scrumptious meals all weekend on this stove.

This kitteh had the thickest fur, like a little land seal.

Oh girls, I already can't wait to come back with you. It was gorgeous and just being with you, just being together was so wonderful. When can we go back??