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Friday, October 23, 2009

Hella Montana: On The Road

So we only spent one day and night in Missoula before hitting the road. We went all over Western Montana and we pulled off at every exit to forage for fun.
It is kind of hard to read, but the sign says, "MENTZER'S USED COW LOT".
This was the most bizarre store, Rustic Expressions. Can that be the name of my band please. There was a granny watching soaps in a rocker inside and her grown daughter manning the counter.
It's funny, right?
Inside the store there were a bunch of old books and maps and some arrowheads and crafting supplies and then this. A giant Tupperware full of "Faces". $4 faces. ?????? This turned out to be pretty common in these weird small towns. I didn't gather where they were from or how they were collected, but they appeared to be all manner of rodents: muskrats, squirrels, beavers, hedgehogs, prairie dogs . . . .
So pretty.
One of my favorite things about Montana is that they have these amazing "Don't Do Meth" murals everywhere. So awesome. This one was on an abandoned building in a one street town.

Nice to see quality mullets and BMX bikes across from the penitentiary. Rocking out.
This was just sitting outside of an abandoned storefront.
Total score! The Montana State Prison Arts and Crafts and Hobby store!!! Got some jewelry for my babes and they all come in little packages with the name of the inmate on a little card. If I was incarcerated I would totally get into beading. Syd and I used to love the Folsom State Prison Gift shop, but it closed. Why???? It was so great. Lots of tooled leather and "babes on hoods of cars" art, clown art, silver and beaded earrings.
Kind of made out like a bandit in here. I wasn't going to thrift too much now that you have to pay to check bags. I used to fill two giant duffel bags whenever I went up there, but now it is too expensive. I cracked here though.
For Rafty
Do I not look like I am about to lead you up the Himalayas with my llamas?
Totally unexpected. We were a good 15 miles from the nearest town driving around this creepy lake when we saw these two girls skateboarding in the middle of the road. Where were they going?
Happy Birthday my best friend!!


  1. I have used meth once and I do not wish I was dead. Most of the time.

  2. ...hmmm, was the Latter Day Saints 1205 (miles?) Texas sign post just a happy accident...brilliant...
